
Elisabeth Quin
Elisabeth QUIN Journaliste, animatrice


Christophe BAUDOUIN
Pr Christophe BAUDOUIN Chef de service d’ophtalmologie de l'Hôpital National des 15-20 et Directeur de l’IHU FOReSIGHT pour la vision
Eléonore Brevet
Mme Eléonore BREVET Présidente de l’association SOS Syndrome de l’œil sec
Françoise BRIGNOLE
Dr Françoise BRIGNOLE Chef de service du laboratoire d’ophtalmobiologie de l'Hôpital National des 15-20 et chercheuse de l’Institut de la Vision

À propos

In France, almost a third of the adult population is affected by dry eye. Most sufferers are over 50, but the condition is increasingly affecting younger people. It leads to pain of varying intensity, which often becomes chronic or even permanent, and to visual problems. Despite its prevalence and impact on patients’ daily lives, it remains underestimated.
Within the Institut de la Vision, the IHU FOReSIGHT is one of the few teams in the world to study ocular pain. Together with the Hôpital national des 15-20, they are striving to improve management and provide therapeutic responses tailored to each patient.